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1. Global survey of 234 marketing academics in business schools across the globe

  • Sampled from 168 business schools across 20 countries

  • 64% of these business schools are ranked in Top 100 Financial Times Global MBA ranking

2. In-depth interviews with (associate) deans

  • 7 deans and 7 associate deans from 13 business schools in the US & Europe

  • 3 current and 4 former deans + 5 current and 2 former associate deans

3. In-depth interviews with external stakeholders

  • 8 external stakeholders interviewed

  • 5 current of past leaders of marketing scholarship (e.g., The Marketing Science Institute)

  • 3 senior marketing practitioners at large multinationals (2 C-level + 1 EVP)


To maintain the confidentiality agreements we promised to our respondents, we only share the data under the following conditions:

  • You must be a researcher affiliated with an academic institution;

  • You need to send an e-mail to with your request (please use your university e-mail);

  • In order to access the data, we need to ask you to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) that specifies the conditions under which the data can be used, to safeguard the confidentiality we promised our respondents. You can download here the NDA;

  • Once we authorize data usage by you and you have received, the data cannot be distributed to anyone else than you;

  • Upon receipt of your signed NDA, we will share anonymized data that includes the variables needed to replicate the analyses reported in the paper, but does not include any school or respondent characteristics;

  • Any additional analyses that require school or respondent characteristics may be run by our team upon request (and we send the results), conditional on resource availability (i.e., time).

This website complements the paper Stremersch, Stefan, Russell S. Winer and Nuno Camacho (2021), "Faculty Research Incentives and Business School Health: A New Perspective from and for Marketing," Journal of Marketing, 85(5), 1-21, with additional analyses, insights, and tools.

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