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In this paper, we develop a theoretical framework on the faculty research incentive system grounded in sociological agency theory. Using sociological agency theory, we formally conceptualize the faculty research incentive system and embed it in a systemic view of research faculty incentives that considers the role of business schools, research faculty, and external institutions, namely endorsement institutions (e.g., academic journals) and cohesion institutions (e.g., professional associations).


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We conceptualize, measure, and provide empirical evidence on a concept we call “business school health.” This concept is grounded in prior education research on elementary, middle, and high school health, as well as prior research on business schools (see “data” section for the full business school health scale).

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In addition, we formally conceptualize the link between the faculty research incentive system and business school health and empirically test such link with data from faculty, (associate) deans, and representatives of external institutions (e.g., AMA and MSI). Finally, we offer empirical evidence to quantify the misalignment of the faculty research incentive system.


This website complements the paper Stremersch, Stefan, Russell S. Winer and Nuno Camacho (2021), "Faculty Research Incentives and Business School Health: A New Perspective from and for Marketing," Journal of Marketing, 85(5), 1-21, with additional analyses, insights, and tools.

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